Park Nima Profile

Park Nima Biography
Name: Park Nima

Age: 31

Height: 167cm

Weight: 49kg

Measurement: C-Cup

Nationality: Korea

Date of Birth / Birthday: Feb 16, 1982

About: In July 25, 2012, a Weibo post on the Internet with a photo of a sexy Korean webcam girl was widely shared and forwarded by the China Netizens. Within a short time frame, the hardworking China Netizens found the name of this sexy Korean girl. It was initially suspected to be a TV host/announcer, Park Nima .

It wasn't too long after, the true identity of this Korea sexy webcam girl speculated to be Park Nima was found. She is actually a famous "BJ" (Broadcast Jockey) from a Korea online video station, winkTV with her screen name as "kw7142". We believe winkTV is some sort of online video service with broadcasters (mainly female) singing and dancing in front of their webcam while chatting with their viewers.
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